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Buttercup Hill Preschool and Kindergarten


Buttercup Hill Pre-K teachers are fortified with exceptional knowledge of child development. Their rooms display an esthetic quality that invites the child to learn with great enthusiasm.

Opportunities for self-selection, manipulation, organization, and exploration are everywhere.
How far can we climb? As far as we can reach together! The challenge is exciting, and the reward is seeing children stretch to actualize their unique human potential.

Buttercup Hill is committed to excellence in early childhood education, children ages three thru six.

Each child is honored for who they are, where they begin, and how far they may go. 

Their journey is our challenge, for we are responsible for their introduction to formal education. Each year is used as a building block to the next.

Exploration, discovery, creativity, imagination, make-believe…

Children rotate in small groups of play, language, creative art, music, science, math, and specialized physical eduction.

Each day Pre-K provides an exceptional balance between highly concentrated, age-appropriate learning, skill, and play. 

Our skilled Kindergarten teachers will provide your children with the love and education to make for a successful transition to the first grade.